Ryder is now three weeks old! I can't believe it! And his due date is still a couple weeks away-crazy! We are having so much fun with our little Ryder. He is getting stronger and bigger and cuter every day! He has super long arms and legs just like his daddy, he will be a big guy some day.
At his two week check up he wieghed 7 lbs six ounces and was 21 and 1/4 inches long. so he is gaining weight and getting taller :)The dr said he is doing great. Alot better than expected for being so early.
Ryder is a pretty good baby only cries when his diaper is being changed or when we are changing his clothes. when he is hungry he usually just makes cute little squeaks and opens his mouth and sticks his tongue out. The past couple days he has been a little fussier than normal but thats just because of his circumcision-poor little guy! Rob and I love being parents and are learning more each day :)