Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Man! I can't believe I have been married a year! A year full of change and adjustments but good, healthy ones! It's been an amazing year! It went by so fast in a way, but in another way it feels like we have been married forever-just because it feels like life could have never been any different than it is right now! A couple years ago I never would have thought that I'd be married to Rob right now-but it's fantastic. A few years ago Rob was just my best friend whom sometimes I liked more than a friend.... Now he is still my best friend, but the love of my life also. He has been such a giant blessing in my life, I love him so much!
We have accomplished a lot in the last year. We went from 15,000 dollars of debt to 2,000 dollars of debt currently! We just moved to a bigger/better/nicer home. We have learned a lot about each other and have had a blast along the way!

My favorite things about Rob:

*He is always thinking about me-I love getting random texts throughout the day from him that say things like "I love a girl" "how's my girl doing?" or " I love you to pieces, did ya know that?"
*He is so patient
*He never gets mad or angry
*He is so calm-it balances out my over worrying tendencies
*He makes me feel pretty
*He makes me feel good at life
*I love how strong he is
*I love how tall he is
*I love how a call, text or even a smile from him can make my day
*I love how he always opens doors for me
*He plays Rumikub with me multiple times a day without even complaining
*I love how he makes me feel like the luckiest girl alive!

Seriously I could go on all day long, but i don't want to bore you all too bad so I will stop! LOL :)

Well, here are some pics from our wedding day! The best day ever!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Our Anniversary Trip

We decided to Celebrate our first Anniversary by going to Disneyland! We have been here in California since Sunday and are having a blast! It has been so fun to be on vacation with my amazing hubby! We have experienced an earthquake, intense rain, high winds, and the hot sun since we have been in California! Here is a sample of what we have been up to this week! Enjoy the following pics!!!
Being silly and having a blast! :)
Standing in front of a random cow
Showing off our cute new Disneyland hats!
Standing in front of a cool waterfall!
Us as Honorary Bugs!
Rob and I excited to go on The Indiana Jones ride yet again! :)

Rob and I enjoying Disneyland in the rain!